September 2005

I know you all are too busy to read the newspaper, so I thought I would show you what is going on in the world…. Pay attention!

CNN Brings Rev. Sharpton on to Discuss Bill Bennett’s Remarks

Posted by Noel Sheppard on September 30, 2005 – 15:13.

As NewsBuster Dave Pierre reported here, the media are in a bit of a tizzy over remarks that former Education secretary Bill Bennett recently said on his radio talkshow about abortion and crime.  On CNN’s “Live Today,” commentator Daryn Kagan invited Rev. Al Sharpton to offer his views of Bennett’s comments:

SHARPTON: I think they’re blatantly racist. I think that even after he had said to kill people based on who they are is morally irreprehensible — he then came back and stated as a fact that, if you did do this, even if it was reprehensible, it would, in fact, lower the crime rate. Which clearly is he — making blacks and crime synonymous. So I think even after he recovered, he re-emphasized the offensive point in first place. And he seems to be oblivious to what he has said out of his own mouth and then confirmed after he tried to clean it up.  

As the interview continued, Sharpton stated that Bennett doesn’t understand civil rights issues because he’s not a victim of civil rights violations, and that Bennett has spent his life trying to "stifle the civil rights movement."

What follows is a full transcript of Kagan’s report including the text of Bennett’s comments on the show in question as well as Sharpton’s remarks.  The video link gives an audio of Bennett’s radio comments.

Kagan: The White House today criticized former Education Secretary William Bennett for an explosive comment, linking blacks and crime. Congressional Democrats and civil rights activists are demanding an apology. Bennett says the comment is being taken out of context. It happened on his radio show. Bennett was discussing a hypothesis in a recent book that crime is down because abortion is up. The issue came up during a call to his show.

Let’s listen in.


BILL BENNETT, FMR. EDUCATION SECY.: Lewis in Sarasota, Florida. Hello, Lewis, last call of the day.

CALLER: Hey. How are you doing?


CALLER: New caller to you here and new listener.


CALLER: I noticed the national media is — you know, they talk a lot about the loss of revenue or the inability of the government to fund Social Security, and I was curious, and I’ve read articles in recent months here, that, you know, the abortions that have happened since Roe V. Wade that loss revenue for the people who have been aborted during the last 30-something years, you know, could fund Social Security as we know it today, and, you know, the media never touches this at all.

BENNETT: Assuming they’re all productive citizens?

CALLER: Assuming that they are. Even if only a portion of them were, it would be an enormous amount of revenue.

BENNETT: Maybe, maybe, but we don’t know what the costs would be, too. I think, does abortion disproportionately occur among single women? No.

CALLER: I don’t know the exact statistics. Quite a bit are, yes. BENNETT: All right. Well, I mean, I just don’t know. I don’t — I would not argue for the pro-life position based on this, because you don’t know. I mean, it cuts both — one of the arguments, in this book, "Freakonomics" they make is that the decline in crime rate — you know, they deal with the hypothesis that one of the reasons crime is down is that abortion is up.

CALLER: Well, I don’t think that statistic is accurate.

BENNETT: Well, I don’t think it is either. I don’t think it is, either. Because first of all, I think there’s just too much that you don’t know. But I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose — you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do. But your crime rate would go down.


BENNETT: But these far-out, these far-reaching, you know, extensive extrapolations, are, I think, tricky.


KAGAN: Bennett stands by his remark. He said it was a hypothetical comment that has been mischaracterized.


BENNETT: I was putting forward a hypothetical proposition. Put that forward, examined it and then said about it that it’s morally reprehensible. To recommend abortion of an entire group of people to lower your crime rate is morally reprehensible. But this is what happens when you argue that the ends can justify the means.


KAGAN: Joining us now to talk about Bennett’s remarks and the controversy they have stirred up is the Reverend Al Sharpton. He’s with from New York City. Reverend, good morning.


KAGAN: What do you think?

SHARPTON: I think they’re blatantly racist. I think that even after he had said to kill people based on who they are is morally irreprehensible — he then came back and stated as a fact that, if you did do this, even if it was reprehensible, it would, in fact, lower the crime rate. Which clearly is he — making blacks and crime synonymous. So I think even after he recovered, he re-emphasized the offensive point in first place. And he seems to be oblivious to what he has said out of his own mouth and then confirmed after he tried to clean it up.

KAGAN: Just to quote Bill Bennett here, later he also said — he goes, "I am not a racist. I’ll put my record up against theirs." He says, "I’ve been a champion of the real civil rights issue of our time, equal educational opportunity for our kids."

SHARPTON: Well, first of all, he can’t determine what the real civil rights issues are when he’s not a victim of violations of civil rights. I think that, again, is very arrogant. He’s going to superimpose upon people in the civil rights movement what the real civil rights issue is.

Secondly, what record? I mean, clearly Mr. Bennett has spent a lifetime on the conservative side, trying to do what he could to, in my opinion, stifle the civil rights movement. He is now caught with his foot in his mouth. If that wasn’t enough, he came back and stuck the other shoe in his mouth.

I think not only should he apologize, I think those that have funded him and his work, we have to take a real look at them and put pressure on them. Here’s a man that blatantly thinks that crime and blacks are synonymous in this country. Is this the kind of guy we need out there?

KAGAN: I don’t want to get off track here, but I just want to clarify one of your comments. Are you saying that only blacks can work for civil rights?

SHARPTON: No, I didn’t say blacks. I said civil rights community. There are many people in the civil rights community that are white. But Mr. Bennett is not one of them. With the civil rights movement from the days of fighting segregation to the days of today, of fighting against racial inequality or fighting against those that would impair our civil liberties, does not find Bill Bennett as one of those in that community then or now. You don’t have to be black, you have to be for what is civil right, not civil wrong.

KAGAN: OK, just wanted to clarify on that comment, there. So what would you like to see happen? Would you like to see an apology from Bill Bennett?

SHARPTON: I would not only like to see an apology from him, I’d like to see those that have supported him, those that finance him and the radio stations that carry him — have to really look at whether or not they can afford to stand with a guy who blatantly says and confirms he believes that blacks and crimes are synonymous. Because I think some of us in the African-American community and people of goodwill of all races need to really look at whether we can support radio stations that would have that kind of guy championing a point of view, when we know how he really feels.

KAGAN: All right. Reverend Al Sharpton, thank you for your comments this morning.

SHARPTON: Thank you.

Video Link

Spelman is represented in this group. Check them all out at:
Jambo (what is happening?!?)

de Griot Space (dGS), is an online workshop for writers of Afrikan
We seek with our poems, stories, and essays- with whatever We have, to
Ida B. Wells, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, James Baldwin,
Dubois, Marcus Garvey, Lorraine Hansberry, Richard Wright, Toni Cade
Bambara, Audre Lorde, Gwendolyn Brooks, Ossie Davis and countless
others who
dared to be word artists.

Since 1995, our primary purpose as a workshop has been to support
writers and to encourage participants to develop their writing and
skills. We focus on participation, exercise, technique, and critique.

All People Black/Afrikan are qualified to become general members of de
Griot Space.  Your breath; your joys; your sunshine; your busy kitchen;
aches and pains- bring all of these with you and join us! If you are
for some space to share
your poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and book reviews, de Griot Space may
the list for you.

To join our workshop:

1)    Send an electronic mail to

2)    Our workshop guidelines will be sent to you in an automatically
generated electronic mail message (Please Read These Workshop

3)    Read the guidelines/Code of Ujima.

4)    Complete the registration form (below); and then, send your
registration (including brief bio) to

5)    If you have a spam-filters through your ISP, please do whatever
necessary to make an acceptable address,
your emails from the workshop will not be delivered.

6)    Wait patiently for us to process your registration; it usually
48 hours from the time of receipt.

Your invitation to join de Griot Space will automatically expire in
days, so it is important that you return the entire registration
(including bio) to within fourteen (14) days.


Swing Down Sweet Chariot and Let Me Ride !!!

de Griot Space
Rev. 4/05

To join us, you must complete the registration (below– includes bio,
agreement, and quiz) and return the registration to the de Griot Space
administrator (

BRIEF BIO: When writing a brief bio, please include: full "real" name,
e-mail address, place of residence, what you write and/or read and why
want to join dGS. Please also share how you found out about de Griot
This information must be complete to have  your application accepted.
Name (first, last):

E-mail address:
I write because:
Published Works:
Right now, I am working on writing:
Right now, I am reading:
I want to join de Griot Space because:
I found out about de Griot Space from:

AGREEMENT. Now, please indicate your agreement with what is written
below by
placing an "X" between the brackets.

[  ]  I have read the Code of Ujima and I agree to abide by these

[  ]  I certify I am at least eighteen (18) years of age.

[  ]  I certify I am Black/Afrikan/New Afrikan/of Afrikan

[  ]  I agree to make FOUR contributions per month, understanding that
least two of these contributions must be critiques. Of these two
I understand at least one of the critiques must be of a prose piece.

[  ]  I understand only SUBS and CRITS count toward participation

[  ]  I understand that what goes on in de Griot Space stays in de
Space. I will not share de Griot Space postings with non-members.

[  ] I agree to respect other writers in de Griot Space as I would want
be respected.

[  ]  This message sent from my e-mail address serves as my electronic

POP QUIZ. We have included this short reading quiz to help you pay
to what you will read (

1) How do you unsubscribe from de Griot Space?

2) What e-mail address do you use to post to de Griot Space?

3) What e-mail address do you use to get help with your subscription?

4) Is a digest format of de Griot Space available?

5) Are members permitted to carbon copy or forward posts from inside
dGS to
individuals or groups outside the dGS online community?

6) What are the Seven Principles of Umoja?

Please note, this registration, including bio, agreement, and quiz must
*complete* to have your membership approved and/or retained. If you are
satisfied, please send your entire registration via e-mail to
Once your *completed* registration is approved, you will be sent a
registration confirmation and then, you will start receiving e-mail.

de Griot Space ONLY recruits/accepts new members from January 1  –
31; April 1 – 30; July 1 – July 31; and/or from October 1 – October 31. 
this is NOT a membership month, then We will notify you during our next
membership drive.

Asante sana/thank you.

There are significant moments in everyone’s day
that can make literature.
                                             ~ Raymond Carver



Dr. Phil McGraw has been working with victims of hurricane Katrina, and is specifically looking to get the unique perspective of college students that have been displaced due to this disaster.

If you or someone you know is a college student that has been uprooted due to the hurricane, and would like to talk to Dr. Phil about the difficulties you and/or your family are facing as a result, please contact me as soon as possible.

I look forward to talking to you and hope we can be of assistance.


Shelby Larkin

Researcher, Dr. Phil


I don’t know of anyone that might be able to do this but please pass on if you do.

If you know any young men that need a job, please see the info sent to me below. Please feel free to share it with anybody. You may have to leave
a message because they are having a high call volume.

If you know any young men age 18 and up who is looking for work, Bishop Eddie Long Pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, in Atlanta, Georgia, is offering $32.00 per hour for a team of men willing to go to New Orleans to help with the disaster and damage done by Hurricane Katrina.
You can call the church at 770-696-9600 for sign up and more information.

People can use this website to locate friends and Family








If the answer is NO to any of these questions,

join organizers Felicia & Daphne Cross for


First Step to Your Final Life Plans

Sponsored by

 Catholic Community Services Center


–Attorney Wilbur Sebree will answer legal questions and start the
process for making a will


          –Victoria West, Primerica, will cover life insurance


–Zane Fitch, Dayspring & Fitch, will cover pre-paid burial.


Date:                September 7th, 2005

Time:               6:00pm until 8:00pm

Place:               Catholic Community Services

                        100-23rd Ave So. (Corner of 23rd & Yesler)



more information please call

Felicia Cross @ (206) 271-4252 or Daphne Cross @ (206) 551-7771

The following colleges and universities that are willing to take students – Please share with those who need this information.
Villanova Unversity – Villanova, PA
Harvard University – Cambridge, Mass
Georgetown University – Washington D.C.
Fordham University – New York
University of Tennessee – Knoxville, Tenn
Langston University – Langston, Oklahoma
Agusta State University – Augusta, Georgia
California State University System
Mills College – Oakland, Califorinia
There are several ways we can all help those who need it. This is long but read it. Most importantly get involved!
*Officials are urging people interested in making monetary donations
to call the Red Cross at 1-800-HELP-NOW. To find out how to
contribute items locally, call the mayor’s call center at (202) 727-
1000 or Serve D.C. at (202) 727-7925.

Share Our Strength, a non-profit organization of chefs,
restaurateurs and other industry professionals fighting hunger, is
turning their annual Conference of Leaders in Washington, D.C., into
a hurricane relief benefit. Local chef Jeff Tunks of Acadiana will
be among 40 chefs from across the country preparing southern cuisine
in tribute to the Gulf Coast region. Details:$250 per person. 7 to
10 p.m., Monday, Oct 17; National Building Museum; (202) 478-6527

The Urban Style Lab in D.C. will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 18, offering haircuts on a first come, first served
basis. They are charging a flat rate of $45 for men and $75 for
women, with proceeds going toward the Red Cross. (202) 223-2066

Collectibles Gallery owner Darlene Mathis is donating 10 percent of
sales through Sept. 17 to the American Red Cross. Cady’s Alley, 3320
M St. NW, 202.333.5673

The Grog and Tankard will hold a "Singin’ the Blues for the Delta"
concert to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund on
Thursday, Sept. 8. Bands include lower case blues and Jeff Johnston.
Doors at 6 p.m., show starts at 8 p.m. 2408 Wisconsin Ave. NW, 202-


Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
DoubleTree Hotel, Atlanta/Roswell
1075 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell

Coastal Moving & Storage
packing TRUCKS to transport items
to hurricane victims Trucks will be met in Louisiana
by the Red Cross

For more info, contact Kai Williams at DoubleTree Hotel

These are items needed to donate:
Bottled Water
Ice Chests
Paper Plates
Plastic Utensils
Flash Lights
Batteries D, C and AA
Lanterns (battery powered)
Shaving Cream
Disposable Razors Baby wipes
Gas Cans (new/empty)
Under Garments
MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)
Peanut Butter
Canned Meats (tuna)
Dry Fruit

*Sponsor Families In These Local Hotels Make Checks Payable To The
Hotel In Care Of Hosea Feed The Hungry And Mail The Checks Or Take
Checks To:
1035 Donnelly Avenue SW,
Atlanta, GA 30310
(404) 755-3353

Armada Inn And Suites One Family One Month $900

Comfort Inn And Suites One Family One Month $1200

Magnolia Manor Hotel Gerry Kemp $1200 One Family For One Month

Amerisuites Hotel
$1200 One Family For One Month

Best Western Diplomat Inn
$1200 One Family For One Month

Townplace Suites

If You Would Like To Donate Your Home Go To

Mail financial donations to:
Hosea Feed The Hungry
P.O. Box 4672
Atlanta GA 30302-4672

Bring financial donations to:
1035 Donnelly Avenue SW
Atlanta, GA 30310

Phone: (404) 755-3353
Fax: (404) 755-3868

Email: hungryh@h…

Call: 2-1-1

Refugees needing housing and food should call the following numbers:
770-963-8802 or 770-441-6200. Those wishing to donate can go to the
Salvation Army Website:



Atlanta Black Business Bureau – will be providing a list of SAFE
people who need to inform loved ones that they are safe — and LOVED
ONES who are looking for missing persons. (Site will be working
starting Friday, Sept. 2 or Saturday, Sept. 3) or call 404-877-9192 or nights or
weekends 404-246-3600.

Please provide this information that will assist us in helping you
find missing loved ones!
Make sure to provide the following information:

Missing Person’s First Name and Last Name
Neighborhood of Residence
Street Address, City, State ZIP (if known)
Missing Person’s home phone number
Missing Person’s cell phone number
Years at this residence
Date of birth
Missing Person’s Physical Description
Health condition
Employer name and address
Employer contact information
When/Where last contacted
How to contact person who is looking
How are you related to this person
Who else can this person contact for help?

Relief Information Line: 404-294-2323




NBC 10 is teaming up with the Red Cross and Wawa stores to raise
funds to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. All funds go to the
Red Cross efforts in the affected area. Starting Friday, all you
have to do is grab a coupon at any Wawa store and add $1, $5 or $10
to your bill when you check out.


Donate cash to:

American Red Cross
(800) HELP NOW (435-7669) English
(800) 257-7575 Spanish

Operation Blessing
(800) 436-6348

America’s Second Harvest
(800) 344-8070

*Donate Cash to and Volunteer with:

Adventist Community Services
(800) 381-7171

Catholic Charities, USA
(703) 549-1390

Christian Disaster Response
(941) 956-5183 or (941) 551-9554

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
(800) 848-5818

Church World Service
(800) 297-1516

Convoy of Hope
(417) 823-8998

Lutheran Disaster Response
(800) 638-3522

Mennonite Disaster Service
(717) 859-2210

Nazarene Disaster Response
(888) 256-5886

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
(800) 872-3283

Salvation Army
(800) SAL-ARMY (725-2769)

Southern Baptist Convention — Disaster Relief
(800) 462-8657, ext. 6440

United Methodist Committee on Relief
(800) 554-8583


Noah’s Wish is a not-for-profit organization that is already in
Louisiana to help keep animals alive during the disaster’s
aftermath. They are looking for cash donations to help they continue
their work.

Noah’s Wish
P.O. Box 997
Placerville, CA 95667
(530) 622-9313

*Mayor Street has made arrangements to bring 1,000 families, 4,000
to 5,000 people total, up to Philly and house them.

Evacuees can file for unemployment in Texas


***The Telephone number for Louisiana filers to call and file an
unemployment claim through Texas is: 1-888-872-8417

The State Operations Disaster Unit advises you to have people
displaced by
Hurricane Katrina call 2-1-1 if they are in need of shelter. If they
using cell phones and have any trouble with 2-1-1, have them call
1-888-312-4567. A list of shelters is attached for reference.

Displaced individuals that are not currently receiving Food Stamp
are potentially eligible. If these individuals say they are not
benefits in their home state, they should be treated as any Food
applicant. These people are potentially eligible for food stamps. We
to assist these folks with expedited Food Stamps if at all possible!

Ms. LeBrun is mandating that eligibility offices that are serving
individuals must remain open this evening until all these
individuals have
been seen.

Pat Hastings
DADS-Contract Manager
Phone: 512/321-8160
Fax: 512/321-8198



*New Orleans CBS affiliate has created a message board in assisting
with locating loved ones.

*The Salvation Army and Ham Radio operators have an emergency
contact request form here:

*Here is an article about what they are doing.

* is intended as a place for people affected by
Hurricane Katrina to connect with those who love them. This
hurricane has wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast, and too many families
and friends have been unable to communicate.


*The Red Cross for Evacuation Planning and Hurricane Safety (1-888-

*Louisiana State Office of Emergency Preparedness (342-5470)

*National Hurricane Center (305-229-4483)

*American Red Cross South East Louisiana Chapter (586-8191)
Disaster/Military (584-9522)
Health and Safety (833-8565)
Emergencies (586-8191)
Covington (892-4317)
Gretna (366-4178)
Metairie (833-8565)
Slidell (643-5608)

*Police Departments (911)

*Causeway Bridge (853-3116)
Crescent City Connection (364-8180)
East Jefferson Levee (733-0077)
Harbor Police (891-7585)
Kenner Police (468-7777)
Levee Board (283-9800)
Mississippi River Bridge (364-8180)
State Police (471-2775)

*Hospitals with 24 hour emergency rooms

Medical Center (504-568-2311)
Doctors Hospital (504-849-4000)
East Jefferson (504-454-4000)
Children’s Hospital (504-899-9511)
Meadowcrest (504-392-3131)
Ochsner Foundation (504-842-3000)
Memorial Medical Center (504-483-5000)
Kenner Regional (504-468-8600)
Tulane Hospital (504-588-5263)
West Jefferson (504-347-5511)
Touro Infirmary (504-897-7011)
Lakeside (985-885-3333)
Northshore Regional Medical (985-649-7070)
Slidell Memorial Hospital (985-643-2200)

*Gas Utilities

Orleans Parish – Entergy (1-800-368-3749)
All other Parishes – LGS (504-367-7000)

Electricity – Utilities

Entergy (1-800-968-8243)
Cleco – Covington, Mandeville, Slidell (1-800-622-6537)
WST – Covington and Mandeville (985-892-8804)
WST – Slidell (985-643-6612)

*Trees Blocking Road

East Jefferson (504-838-1150)
Plaquemines (504-525-6825)
New Orleans (504-286-2100)
St Tammany – Covington, Mandeville (985-892-4141)
St Tammany – Slidell (985-646-4141)
West Jefferson (504-349-5360)

Streaming Media Links





WTOK-TV (follow the link on the home page):


Gulf Coast Storm Network (radio):


Emergency Financial First Aid Kits constructed by Operation Hope in
conjunction with FEMA…rmCategory=NULL

Emergency Financial First Aid…rmCategory=NULL

Personal Disaster Kit…rmCategory=NULL

Housing for Senior Katrina Survivors Available

We have 15 apartments available for senior survivors of Katrina
willing to relocate to California (temporarily or permanently). We
will cover all relocation and transportation costs, food, clothing,
furnishings and have willing community partners waiting to provide
medical care and mental health care. We just need a way to identify
the seniors needing housing — if you are in the affected area or in
touch with facilities in the affected area, please let us know.

The Lesley Foundation is a non-profit organization in Belmont,
California (San Francisco Bay Area), that owns and operates
housing for seniors. Because we are HUD affiliated, seniors must be
62 or older, able to live independently and low-income.

You can reach us at (650) 726-4888 (tel) or by email at

Laura Reed, MSW
The Lesley Foundation


*Site updated every 30 minutes with information on how to help
Katrina victims in Houston.


*The City of Detroit and The American Red Cross are sponsoring a
city wide blood/canned good drive.
— End forwarded message —